Month: September 2023
Bitcoin Halving & Block Subsidy
Bitcoin Halving is a phenomenon or a certain point in time in Bitcoin protocol where the block subsidy is cut in exact half of what it was before that phenomenon. This rule was written in the Bitcoin code as a way to gradually and consistently issue the amount of BTC over time. The issuance of new BTC begins at a fixed rate and gradually reduces until the total distribution of the coin reaches 21,000,000. The code defines when this halving phenomenon occurs and how the Block Subsidy is calculated and distributed to the miner.
「交換価値」という言葉はよく耳にしたことがあると思うが、この記事は「交換価値」と微妙に違って、「価値交換」について書いている。交換価値というのは商品の価値を何かで図れるに対して、価値交換というのは「価値」そのものの「交換」のことだ。その「価値」の交換に使われるのは交換価値のある手段だ。イギリスの経済学者、Adam Smithによると、商品の価値は2つあると言う。1つはある特定物の効用を表す使用価値であり、もう1つは交換価値であって、経済学の対象は後者だ。この記事は前者の方の商品の価値の交換についてだ。微妙な違いのラインはあるが、もちろん、交換価値の内容も含めている。
Human civilization has come a long way to be well-organized and operate seamlessly in the society. One of the most challenging problem for humans, was to exchange the value with one another. People bartered before they began using money which was inconvenient to do. Money is a concept which made them easy to trade their products and services. Money is one of the most advanced tools engineered by humans to carry out value exchange for thousands of years. The oldest known coin minting site was in China which began using coins around 640 BC. Since then, humans have been constantly improving and changing the shape and system of money. The new form of digital money is being built and accepted as the new form of money for value exchange as you’re reading this.