History Technology


The only thing in the world that’s constant, is change. Organisms evolve and change, environment never remain the same, seasons change, humans change, our age changes and rules change. Everything changes with the passing of time. But we hear a lot about Bitcoin that its immutable. What might be the reason of its immutability? Lets have a quick read about it. The Bitcoin is immutable because of its proof-of-work property. This is one of the most important charactersitics of Bitcoin that will be talked about for decades if not centuries. Same as how we read and talk about the great Pyramid of Giza. That is the evidence of proof-of-work carried out by the Egyptian civilization.

History Technology



Economics History Technology

Byzantine Generals’ Problem

The Byzantine Generals’ Problem is an age-old game theory problem, where several Generals of the Byzantine army are preparing to attack an enemy city from all sides. They have surrounded the city, but they must collectively decide when to attack so the generals in charge of each regiment must coordinate together to attack on same time to overcome the defense from the enemy. If all generals attack at the same time they win, but if they attack at different times or one faulty general chooses not to fight, they lose. Each regiment has a messenger who is used as a communicator, but there is no way of knowing whether the messenger is a traitor or the message itself is intercepted by the enemy.

Economics History



Economics History Technology



Economics History


「交換価値」という言葉はよく耳にしたことがあると思うが、この記事は「交換価値」と微妙に違って、「価値交換」について書いている。交換価値というのは商品の価値を何かで図れるに対して、価値交換というのは「価値」そのものの「交換」のことだ。その「価値」の交換に使われるのは交換価値のある手段だ。イギリスの経済学者、Adam Smithによると、商品の価値は2つあると言う。1つはある特定物の効用を表す使用価値であり、もう1つは交換価値であって、経済学の対象は後者だ。この記事は前者の方の商品の価値の交換についてだ。微妙な違いのラインはあるが、もちろん、交換価値の内容も含めている。

Economics History

Value Exchange

Human civilization has come a long way to be well-organized and operate seamlessly in the society. One of the most challenging problem for humans, was to exchange the value with one another. People bartered before they began using money which was inconvenient to do. Money is a concept which made them easy to trade their products and services. Money is one of the most advanced tools engineered by humans to carry out value exchange for thousands of years. The oldest known coin minting site was in China which began using coins around 640 BC. Since then, humans have been constantly improving and changing the shape and system of money. The new form of digital money is being built and accepted as the new form of money for value exchange as you’re reading this.

Economics Finance History


Have you ever thought of what money is? I have been searching for answer to this question and going through this rabbit hole to find about Money for some time. Its very hard to conclude what exactly it is. But one certainty is almost everybody seems to go after it. Some do it for living, some for power, some for buying stuff, some to help other people, some for status, some to impress others, and many more. Most sacrifice their finite time for money, some even prioritize it over relationships. But its really hard to know what Money actually is. Very few use it as a tool of freedom which is what I found very interesting among its various use cases. Our civilization has come a long way and there was always this tool we call money and every era had few people who used it as a tool and most of the rest lived to get it for above mentioned various purposes.


The Fourth Turning

This book is written by William Strauss and Neil Howe. It explores the concept of generational cycles and proposes a theory that history unfolds in a recurring and predictable pattern that every span lasts around a lifetime roughly 80-100 years which consists of four turnings. These turnings are driven by generational shift and societal and cultural transformations. The book was written in 1997, at which point the authors wrote that we were approaching the Fourth Turning which is the life changing period of crisis that marks every saeculum in history.

Trying to understand the current geopolitical situation, its essential to know some history of the current most powerful nation on earth, America. This post is nothing more than just a summary and my thoughts after reading the book. The full breadth of ideas within the book will amaze you. I highly recommend this book for those who loves to know history and excited for the future and at the same time prepare for it.



「この世で最も理解しがたいものは所得税である。」- アインシュタイン
