
The Byzantine Generals’ Problem is an age-old game theory problem, where several Generals of the Byzantine army are preparing to attack an enemy city from all sides. They have surrounded the city, but they must collectively decide when to attack so the generals in charge of each regiment must coordinate together to attack on same time to overcome the defense from the enemy. If all generals attack at the same time they win, but if they attack at different times or one faulty general chooses not to fight, they lose. Each regiment has a messenger who is used as a communicator, but there is no way of knowing whether the messenger is a traitor or the message itself is intercepted by the enemy.
Time Preference in economics, referes to the inherent human tendency to value the present satisfaction more than future satisfaction. People value goods and services available in the present more than the same goods and services available in the future. It is a concept that plays a crucial role in decision-making, especially in the realm of consumption and investment. This is largely due to the risks or uncertainty of the future. The common example is, if given the choice between ¥100 today and ¥150 a year from now, most people would chose to receive ¥100 today.
Bitcoin protocol has a process called Difficulty Adjustment which is the way to change the level of difficulty in discovering new bitcoin blocks through mining. As I’ve written in previous article, each block on the bitcoin blockchain is produced or mined in around 10 minutes. The time it takes to mine new block is the result of the difficulty adjustment considering the time it took to mine previous blocks. If the new blocks are mined in less than 10 minutes, the difficulty is increased and if takes more than 10 minutes to mine a block, the difficulty is decreased.
Human civilization has come a long way to be well-organized and operate seamlessly in the society. One of the most challenging problem for humans, was to exchange the value with one another. People bartered before they began using money which was inconvenient to do. Money is a concept which made them easy to trade their products and services. Money is one of the most advanced tools engineered by humans to carry out value exchange for thousands of years. The oldest known coin minting site was in China which began using coins around 640 BC. Since then, humans have been constantly improving and changing the shape and system of money. The new form of digital money is being built and accepted as the new form of money for value exchange as you’re reading this.
日本は2024年上半期に1000円、5000円と10000円札の新紙幣を発行する予定となっている。なぜ国は頻繁に紙幣を交換するのだろうか? 約20年ごとに行われているこの交換に様々な理由がある。その内の一つが偽造を防ぐためだとされている。世界はデジタル通貨の発行に向かって急速に進んでいるが、日本は新しい紙幣を印刷しようとしている。これは、日本人の多くがいまだに紙幣を使用して貯蓄することを好むからだ。しかし、若い世代はクレジットカード決済、QR決済システムやオンライン・バンキング/ネット・バンキングを利用するようになってきている。今回の紙幣の刷新のタイミングは、一見政府も十分に考慮されてないように思えるが、とにかく一筋縄ではない感じが漂っている。
「この世で最も理解しがたいものは所得税である。」- アインシュタイン