The only thing in the world that’s constant, is change. Organisms evolve and change, environment never remain the same, seasons change, humans change, our age changes and rules change. Everything changes with the passing of time. But we hear a lot about Bitcoin that its immutable. What might be the reason of its immutability? Lets have a quick read about it. The Bitcoin is immutable because of its proof-of-work property. This is one of the most important charactersitics of Bitcoin that will be talked about for decades if not centuries. Same as how we read and talk about the great Pyramid of Giza. That is the evidence of proof-of-work carried out by the Egyptian civilization.
Tag: bitcoin
Who is the Ruler?
Bitcoin is the open source software which means anyone can read its code and anyone can update their own copy with whatever code they want. This is the reason why there are tons of other so called alternative crypto currencies. Same as TCP/IP, Bitcoin is actually a protocol which is basically a set of rules that every bitcoin nodes have to follow to communicate with other nodes. So who actually makes the rule in Bitcoin? The rules of the Bitcoin is set in the Bitcoin Core Client.
ビットコインアドレスはBTCを受け取るために他の人と共有できるアドレスやコードまたは固有の識別子のことです。これは公開鍵から作られるもので、BTCを送金するときに利用するアドレスです。ビットコインアドレスを他人と共有することは安全で、電子メールを受け取るために他人と自分のメールアドレスを共有するのに似ています。ビットコインアドレスは27-34文字の英数字で、公開鍵から生成されます。誰かがビットコインを持っていると言う意味はビットコインの量の記録を含むブロックチェーンのアドレスである公開鍵の所有権を証明することができる秘密鍵を持っているということです。「Not your key, not your coin」の表現はよく使われますが、まさに秘密鍵を自分で持たず取引所などにBTCを置いておいたらそれは本当は自分のBTCではないという意味を表します。
Bitcoin Address
The Bitcoin Address is basically a code or unique identifier that you can share with others to receive BTC. It is derived from the public key and its the address that others will see when they try to send you the BTC. It is completely safe to share your address to others. Its similar to the email address that we share with others to receive email from them. The bitcoin address is 27-34 alphanumeric characters in length and is generated by the public key. When someone says they have Bitcoin, what they actually mean is they have the private key which proves the ownership of the public key which is the address in the blockchain that contains the record of amount of Bitcoin. Hence the expression, “Not your keys, not your coin”.
Byzantine Generals’ Problem
The Byzantine Generals’ Problem is an age-old game theory problem, where several Generals of the Byzantine army are preparing to attack an enemy city from all sides. They have surrounded the city, but they must collectively decide when to attack so the generals in charge of each regiment must coordinate together to attack on same time to overcome the defense from the enemy. If all generals attack at the same time they win, but if they attack at different times or one faulty general chooses not to fight, they lose. Each regiment has a messenger who is used as a communicator, but there is no way of knowing whether the messenger is a traitor or the message itself is intercepted by the enemy.
Difficulty Adjustment
Bitcoin protocol has a process called Difficulty Adjustment which is the way to change the level of difficulty in discovering new bitcoin blocks through mining. As I’ve written in previous article, each block on the bitcoin blockchain is produced or mined in around 10 minutes. The time it takes to mine new block is the result of the difficulty adjustment considering the time it took to mine previous blocks. If the new blocks are mined in less than 10 minutes, the difficulty is increased and if takes more than 10 minutes to mine a block, the difficulty is decreased.